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Flag raising ceremony commemorates donate life month at HCA Florida Citrus Hospital

Staff members at HCA Florida Citrus Hospital, along with representatives from local organ, eye and tissue procurement agencies participate in a flag raising ceremony to commemorate that April is Donate Life Month.

April 04, 2024
Staff members at HCA Florida Citrus Hospital, along with representatives from local organ, eye and tissue procurement agencies participate in a flag raising ceremony to commemorate that April is Donate Life Month.

Inverness, FL — Today, HCA Florida Citrus Hospital held an emotional ceremony to mark the beginning of Donate Life Month, honoring the selfless act of organ donation and its lifesaving impact. The event commenced with the raising of the Donate Life flag at precisely 10:08 AM, symbolizing the profound reality that one organ donor can potentially save up to eight lives.

As the Donate Life flag ascended, a moment of silence enveloped the gathering, serving as a poignant tribute to the more than 5,000 patients anxiously awaiting lifesaving transplants across Florida. This reflective pause honored their resilience and unwavering hope for a second chance at life.

Amidst a solemn atmosphere, HCA Florida Citrus Hospital chief nursing officer Holly Weber-Johnson delivered heartfelt remarks, emphasizing the significance of organ donation in transforming lives and fostering hope within communities. She then introduced clinical nurse coordinator Lakesha Harrison, the mother of young donor Antonio Hicks.

Harrison shared her personal journey, offering insights into the transformative power of organ donation. Her testimony underscored the profound impact of generosity and compassion during times of adversity. “When Antonio turned 15 and I took him to get his driving permit, he was asked if he wanted to be an organ donor. He said yes without any hesitation,” said Harrison. “When I asked him why he wanted to be an organ donor he said he’d do whatever he could to help people. So, when I got the call there was no hesitation he would donate. We donated his corneas, long bones and a significant amount of skin. Later, I got an email from the Lions Club telling me that a 39-year-old received one cornea and a 23-year-old received another. I’m so grateful and blessed to know that other people were able to receive a gift that my child gave.”

Additional staff members shared their experiences as both families of organ donors and recipients, shedding light on the intricate emotional aspects of the donation process.

The event captured the spirit of solidarity and compassion, reaffirming HCA Florida Citrus Hospital's commitment to promoting awareness of the importance of organ donation.

April 04, 2024
HCA Florida Citrus Hospital