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Aquablation therapy introduced for treatment of BPH

HCA Florida Aventura Hospital now offers a life-changing new treatment for enlarged prostate or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

June 11, 2024

Aventura, Fla. — HCA Florida Aventura Hospital announced today in recognition of Men’s Health Month, its introduction of Aquablation therapy for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or enlarged prostate. The hospital’s first elective robotic Aquablation procedure was completed by Floyd Seskin, MD, a urologist affiliated with HCA Florida Aventura Hospital. Aquablation therapy is a life-changing new treatment for one of the most common health complications that men face with 1 in 2 men ages 51 to 60 estimated to have BPH.

Aquablation therapy combines real-time, multi-dimensional imaging, automated robotics, and heat-free waterjet ablation for targeted, controlled, and immediate removal of prostate tissue. Combining both cystoscopic visualization and ultrasound imaging, surgeons can create a personalized treatment plan tailored to each patient’s anatomy. Once the map is complete, the robotically controlled, waterjet ablates the prostate tissue, avoiding critical structures to preserve sexual function and continence.

“The main benefit of aquablation therapy is the rapidity and accuracy of the sono-guided robotic approach, sparing the vital structures, preserving sexual function as much as possible,” said Richard Levin, MD, Division Director of Urology and President-Elect, Medical Executive Committee, HCA Florida Aventura Hospital.

“We are proud to be among the first in South Florida to offer a solution for men with BPH that provides significant, long-lasting symptom relief with lower risk to their sexual function or continence,” said David LeMonte, Chief Executive Officer of HCA Florida Aventura Hospital. “Aquablation therapy is the next step to furthering our commitment to robotic surgery and men’s health.

For more information on HCA Florida Healthcare, visit their website.

June 11, 2024
HCA Florida Aventura Hospital