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Salud mamaria

Puede acceder a todos nuestros servicios de atención mamaria experta en cualquiera de nuestras ubicaciones que le resulten conveniente, desde controles y exámenes habituales hasta las últimas tecnologías de diagnóstico por imágenes y los últimos tratamientos.

Centro de imágenes mamarias en el condado de Citrus, Florida

Tener una prueba de detección o un examen de diagnóstico del cáncer de mama puede ser una experiencia que produce ansiedad para muchas mujeres.

Es por eso que los especialistas en imágenes de HCA Florida Citrus Hospital están aquí para ayudarlo a sentirse lo más cómodo posible. Para ello, combinamos la experiencia clínica con la compasión y la educación sanitaria personalizada durante su cita. Utilizamos herramientas avanzadas de detección y diagnóstico por imágenes, incluidas las mamografías en 3D, para evaluar la salud de sus senos en busca de posibles afecciones o anomalías. Si se necesita más tratamiento o pruebas, estaremos a su lado en cada paso del camino.

Especialidades relacionadas

Obtenga más información sobre nuestras especialidades relacionadas.

Nuestros servicios de diagnóstico por imágenes para la mujer y la salud de las mamas

Nuestros servicios de diagnóstico por imágenes mamarias están acreditados por el Colegio Estadounidense de Radiología, que nos ha valido la distinción de Centro de excelencia en diagnóstico por imágenes mamarias. Este reconocimiento refleja nuestro compromiso de brindar servicios de detección y diagnóstico de senos de alta calidad a nuestras pacientes.

Además de las ecografías mamarias tradicionales, nuestros servicios de diagnóstico por imágenes para la salud mamaria y de la mujer incluyen:

Bullet list of services

  • 3D mammography (screening and diagnostic)
  • Contrast enhanced spectral mammography 
  • Breast ultrasound
  • Minimally invasive biopsy:
    • Stereotactic breast biopsy
    • Ultrasound-guided biopsy
  • Minimally invasive radar localization

Please call (877) 351-7012 to schedule an appointment for a mammogram.

Breast cancer screening

Best practices in screening for breast cancer vary from person to person based on a range of personal and genetic factors. However, most women should follow these guidelines:

  • Begin monthly self-breast exams at 20 years old
  • Begin yearly clinical breast exams by your physician at 20 years old
  • Begin yearly mammograms, in addition to your self-breast exams and clinical breast exams, at 40 years old (for women with an average risk of developing breast cancer)

Women at high risk for developing breast cancer may need to begin breast cancer screening earlier. They may also require supplemental screening tools. Talk to your healthcare provider about your risk factors for breast cancer and what type of screening schedule is right for you.

Breast cancer diagnostics

If an abnormality is detected on your mammogram, we are here to help reduce your anxiety and get quick results. Our team is committed to providing answers fast to decrease the time between detection and diagnosis.

You will typically be notified of your screening results within 48 hours if there is an abnormality. Your physician will be contacted immediately with your results for further review.

To diagnose breast cancer, we offer: 

Digital stereotactic breast biopsy

A digital stereotactic breast biopsy is a less invasive alternative to a surgical biopsy. It involves obtaining a tissue sample using a vacuum-assisted device and a small sampling probe. The system gathers multiple samples to accurately identify the presence of early-stage breast cancer.

Stereotactic biopsies are performed on an outpatient basis and last about one hour. The biopsy will be sent to our hospital's pathologists who will review the sample and send a report to your referring physician.

Additionally, a stereotactic breast biopsy offers less internal scarring compared to an open, surgical biopsy. This makes it easier to detect any abnormalities on future mammograms.

Digital breast localization

A digital breast localization is a procedure that locates a specific area in the breast prior to surgically removing the tissue. We use this procedure to guide your surgeon to the localized area on the day of surgery.

Digital breast localization is performed on an outpatient basis and requires at least 45 minutes to complete.

Tratamiento para el cáncer de mama

Trabajando juntos, nuestro equipo multidisciplinario de tecnólogos y médicos se dedica a la detección temprana del cáncer de mama.

Sin embargo, entendemos que un diagnóstico de cáncer de mama puede ser abrumador. Si se detecta cáncer de mama, nuestro equipo compasivo estará a su lado durante todo el tratamiento del cáncer de mama.

Nuestro equipo de oncología altamente capacitado ofrece tratamientos avanzados, que incluyen quimioterapia, radioterapia y cirugía para el cáncer de mama. También brindamos acceso a cirugía reconstructiva mamaria, si lo desea, después del tratamiento.

Breast surgery

If breast cancer is diagnosed, we are here to support you every step of the way. We have highly trained breast surgeons on staff who are available for consultation within 48 hours of receiving a physician referral.

Surgical treatment for breast cancer focuses on removing cancerous tissue from the breast. This can be accomplished through several procedures, including:

  • Lumpectomy — This surgery removes only the cancerous portion of the breast and conserves the rest of the healthy breast tissue.
  • Single mastectomy — This surgery removes all breast tissue in a single breast.
  • Double mastectomy — This surgery removes all breast tissue in both breasts.

Navigating your care

Our breast cancer nurse navigator provides a wide range of support services, including:

  • Assistance coordinating procedures among providers
  • Assistance in identifying support resources
  • Complete nursing assessment and support
  • Ongoing education and disease information
  • Scheduling for appointments and consultations

Breast imaging center location

Our breast imaging center is located on the first floor of our medical office building.

Our hours of operation are:

Monday through Friday

8:00am to 4:00pm

If you would like to learn more about our breast health services, please call (352) 763-0232

If you would like to schedule an appointment, please call our central scheduling line at (877) 351-7012

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Nuestras ubicaciones de Salud mamaria

Currently Viewing:

Citrus Hospital
502 W Highland Blvd
Inverness, FL 34452
(352) 726-1551

Currently Viewing:

Citrus Hospital
502 W Highland Blvd
Inverness, FL 34452
(352) 726-1551
Citrus Hospital Imaging Center
131 S Citrus Ave
Suite 102
Inverness, FL 34452
(352) 344 - 6768

0.1 miles

Oak Hill Hospital
11375 Cortez Blvd
Brooksville, FL 34613
(352) 596 - 6632

23.9 miles