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Heart transplant patient embraces care across HCA Florida Healthcare network

As part of the statewide HCA Florida Healthcare network colleagues at HCA Florida Northside Hospital and HCA Florida Largo Hospital were able to work in tandem to provide comprehensive care to heart transplant recipient, Kathleen Hornbecker.

April 12, 2024
Woman sitting on bike with another woman standing next to her.

As part of the statewide HCA Florida Healthcare network colleagues at HCA Florida Northside Hospital and HCA Florida Largo Hospital were able to work in tandem to provide comprehensive care to heart transplant recipient, Kathleen Hornbecker.

Hornbecker’s heart transplant journey started in 2023 at HCA Florida Northside Hospital for prior heart issues. The then 75-year-old was physically healthier than most 60-year olds thanks to an active lifestyle that included running 5 miles a day; yet, she developed disabling heart failure.

 “I knew I was dying,” said Hornbecker in a Spectrum News story about her experience this April. “I couldn’t walk. I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t even lay down to sleep. I had to sit up to sleep.”

Her primary care physician, Dr. Rakesh Mittal, referred her to his colleague at HCA Florida Largo Hospital, Dr. Andrew Boyle, the Medical Director of Advanced Heart Failure. After extensive testing and review Dr. Boyle found Hornbecker’s heart was “rocking” more so than pumping. It was ultimately determined that Hornbecker was a candidate for heart transplant, a surgical procedure that would replace her failing heart with a healthier heart from an organ donor.

Six months later, Hornbecker is well and back doing cardiac rehabilitation at HCA Florida Northside Hospital's Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Center.

“Now I definitely know how blessed I am,” said Hornbecker, “and I hopefully get to see my grandchildren grow up.”

Care for your heart

At HCA Florida Healthcare we are proud to say that more physicians in Florida recommend cardiologists practicing in the HCA Florida Healthcare network than any other Florida health system. This is a sign of our dedication to you and your family, and our ability to uphold and surpass high standards of care across all of our cardiology programs. This includes achieving the highest levels of clinical performance and more than 80 cardiovascular recognitions in 2022 from Healthgrades.

Find an HCA Florida Healthcare cardiologist near you.

April 12, 2024
HCA Florida Largo Hospital, HCA Florida Northside Hospital

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