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Jasmine Britt

Jasmine Britt discusses the positivity of the Capital Hospital birthing staff after she delivered her son, Juelz, several weeks prematurely.

October 28, 2022
Jasmine Britt's NICU baby Juelz

Jasmine Britt is new to the Tallahassee area — and when she moved here from Ohio — she asked people she met — where is the best place to deliver a baby? She said there was an overwhelming response of HCA Florida Capital Hospital! On Oct. 25 at 8:17 pm, baby Juelz made his way into the world weighing in at 4.42 lbs. at 36 weeks and three days gestation.

Jasmine labored at home for most of the day — and knew she was getting close to delivering so she made her way to the hospital. The birth was fast and Jasmine says, “The team here is phenomenal — and I wasn’t expecting the level of service I received. Dr. Okoroji made me feel at ease. The baby and I have been in such good hands — the staff have such positivity, great energy and are all in-sync.”

After Juelz was born he needed to be moved to the NICU, he was a bit underweight, needed assistance with breathing and a feeding tube.  Just one day later, he was tolerating feeds, off his respiratory support, and doing much better.

Jasmine also says, “The facility is so clean and the L&D room is huge — it was so wonderful to have space for my parents as well.” I know my baby Juelz is also being taken care of in the NICU — being able to watch him from my room on the camera app has provided me with so much comfort. I will recommend this hospital for all of your birthing needs!”

October 28, 2022
HCA Florida Capital Hospital

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