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Política de visitantes


Horario de visitas

Los visitantes son bienvenidos en nuestras instalaciones durante el horario de visitas, siempre y cuando el paciente preste su consentimiento para recibir invitados.

Horas de visita: 6:00 am y ndash; 8:00 p. M.

Registro de ingreso

Si visita a un paciente, asegúrese de registrarse en el mostrador del vestíbulo principal, o en la sala de emergencias si lo hace fuera del horario de atención. Al iniciar sesión, se le emitirá una tarjeta de identificación que muestra la fecha de su visita, así como el área del hospital que está visitando. Use el gafete de identificación en todo momento durante su visita.

Política de visitantes

Para obtener más detalles sobre cómo visitar nuestras instalaciones, proporcionamos un enlace a nuestra política de visitas completa.

Para obtener más detalles sobre cómo visitar nuestras instalaciones, proporcionamos un enlace a nuestra política de visitas completa.

Circumstances may allow for specific exceptions to any visitation restrictions described on this webpage. Those circumstances include religious visitation as well as a designated support person for a patient with a disability to provide assistance with communication or other necessary components of the patient's treatment. All persons entering under an exception remain subject to appropriate infection control protocols.

A patient may designate a visitor who is a family member, friend, guardian, or other individual as an essential caregiver.

  • End–of–life situations.
  • A patient who was living with family before being admitted to the provider’s care is struggling with the change in environment and lack of in-person family support.
  • The patient is making one or more major medical decisions.
  • A patient is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a friend or family member who recently died.
  • A patient needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a family member or caregiver.
  • A patient who used to talk and interact with others is seldom speaking.

The policies and procedures may require a visitor to agree in writing, to follow the facility’s policies and procedures. A facility may suspend in-person visitation of a specific visitor, if the visitor violates the facility’s policies and procedures.

If you or your loved one have been met with resistance from a hospital when attempting to visit with loved ones, you may file a complaint with the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) for further review and action.


  • The Joint Commission Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Hospitals – RI.01.01.01
  • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid §482.13 (h) (1-4)
  • S. 408.8235 – No Patient Left Alone Act
  • The Florida Mental Health Act; Baker Act
  • CDC Guidelines for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings