Regístrese para obtener una cita en línea
Complete the 10-20 minute online registration scheduling forms at least two business days prior to your scheduled appointment. Before you begin, be sure you have all of the information listed below:
- Social Security number
- Name of ordering physician
- Date of your scheduled procedure
- All insurance cards
- Employer information
Check in with our registration staff on the date of your scheduled service to complete the registration process. Please be advised that you will sign all consent forms during your visit.
MyHealthONE le permite gestionar toda su atención médica de manera fácil y segura
- Ver registros de salud: resultados de laboratorio, notas del médico, informes de imágenes y más
- Ver su resumen posterior a la visita
- Programe una cita de seguimiento
- Comparta su historia clínica con un médico o cuidador.
- Y mas
Descargar la aplicación MyHealthOne en el App Store® O Google Play
¿Tiene problemas? Comuníquese con nosotros:
Teléfono local:
De lunes a viernes, de 8:00 a. m. a 5:30 p. m.
También puede inscribirse para pruebas quirúrgicas o tratamientos por teléfono mediante los siguientes enlaces.
- Inscripción: (800) 617-7108
- Programación de citas: (866) 463-7202
Que traer contigo
Para evitar demoras en el check-in, traiga lo siguiente el día de su cita:
- Your picture ID or driver’s license
- All insurance cards
- Prescription for services from your physician’s office
- List of current medications and allergies
- When appropriate, please bring with you copies of any medical notes, lab results, biopsies, X-ray results, etc.
- Your authorization or referral from your physician's office
If you arrive without your necessary authorization and/or referral, you will be expected to pay for your visit prior to receiving services or opt to reschedule your appointment.
Anticipate a call from the registration area to collect your required estimated financial responsibility. Unpaid co-payments and deductibles are expected to be paid at the time of your visit.
Personal belongings
Please bring minimal personal belongings with you. You will want to leave valuables at home. The hospital is not responsible for lost or damaged personal property.
As a courtesy to you, we will file your insurance after discharge. Upon admission, you will be asked to pay a deposit to cover any estimated deductible, co-insurance or non-covered charges. If you need to make financial arrangements, please let the registration office know prior to service so as to avoid any delays on the day of service.
At the time of arrival
You will be asked to sign a consent for treatment and authorization to bill your insurance. We will make a copy of your insurance card and your driver's license or photo ID. If you have an Advance Directive or living will, we will make a copy of that. You will be given a copy of our Privacy Practices. If you have registered, you will be given a copy of your demographic and insurance information to review and approve.
Medicare patients
We are required by federal law to ask you questions regarding other payment sources. Although you may have answered these in the past on other visits, we have to ask the questions each time you come for treatment except for recurring treatments 90 days. For patients spending the night, you will also be given a copy of your Medicare Rights.