At HCA Florida Capital Hospital, our experienced and knowledgeable leadership team is committed to improving the quality of care we provide to serve the healthcare needs of our community.
Leadership team
- Chief Operating Officer, Tavarres Jefferson
- Chief Medical Officer, Trey Blake, MD
- Chief Financial Officer, Francisca Thai
- Chief Nursing Officer, Josh Woodruff
- Assistant Chief Nursing Officer, Nichole Urban
- VP of Human Resources, Micah Roden
- VP of Operations, Antwan Brooks
Medical staff leadership
- President, Secretary/Treasurer, Shawn Ramsey, DO
- President Elect, Saurabh Sheel, MD
- Chair, Credentials Committee, Robert Atwater, MD
- Chair, Medicine Department, Wayne Sampson, MD
- Chair, Surgery Department, Thomas Park, MD
- Chair, Pathology Department, Lori Krevetski, MD
- Chair, Pediatrics, Hugo Navarro, MD
- Chair, Anesthesiology, Robert Sand, MD
- Chair, Psychiatry, Jeffrey Ferraro, MD
- Chair, Emergency Services, Raymond Gutierrez, MD
- Chair, Cardiothoracic, Jeffery Snyder, MD
- Immediate Past President, Christopher Wilhoit, MD
Board of trustees
- Ed Moore, PhD, Chair
- Niraj Pandit, MD, Vice Chair
- Brian Cook, HCA North FL Division President
- Shawn Ramsey, DO, President of Medical Staff
- Carla Holloman, DO
- Sha’Ron James, Esq.
- Kevin Kolka, CPA
- Kez McCorvey
- David Jason Oberste, MD
- Richard Thacker, DO
- Jing Wang, RN, PhD
- Pia Woodley, DBA