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Englewood Hospital volunteer shares his passions

Long-time hospital volunteer, George Tullos, shares his insight on how his role keeps him active and engaged during retirement.

August 20, 2023
George Tullos is a front-desk volunteer at HCA Florida Englewood Hospital.

Englewood, FL — George Tullos has been a familiar face at HCA Florida Englewood Hospital, often manning the front desk as a hospital volunteer.

George Tullos is 91 years young as his son, Marshall Tullos, would say, and has been volunteering steadily at the hospital for about seven years. He’s won Volunteer of The Year twice.

The volunteer director, hospital staff and visitors can’t seem to get enough of Tullos’ smile.

“The CEO of the hospital often comes out of his office — just to sit with dad and talk about life,” Marshal Tullos said.

That CEO, Steve Young, says he appreciates the time Tullos gives to the hospital.

“George Tullos has been an integral part of the HCA Florida Englewood Hospital family for more than seven years and has given more than 700 hours of his time and talent in service of our patients and caregivers each year,” Young said. “When you enter our hospital, he is often the first smiling face you’ll see.”

It wasn’t always like that for George Tullos.

He lost his wife Bobbie-Jean 10 years ago. Retired and alone at home, he and his son Marshall decided that volunteering would be a great way for him to get out of the house and help people.

George wasn’t too sure about the idea initially.

“I never volunteered for anything anywhere in my life,” Tullos said.

The more he thought about volunteering, the better the idea seemed.

“If you’re retired and able, are you gonna waste the rest of your life sitting at home doing nothing?” Tullos asked. “I was talking to the walls and when the walls started talking back — that’s when I knew it was time.”

Tullos started his volunteer work in 2017, where he was tasked with transporting visitors around the facility in a golf cart. He wasn’t too keen about the idea, but he did it for a while.

“It’s hot out — and when it rains, and everything gets all wet,” Tullos said. “I was put on the front desk and that’s where I’ve been ever since.”

Tullos explained that volunteering is very meaningful work, especially since he’s retired.

“This is my second home,” he said. “I still got some good years left in my life, and I want to spend them doing something for somebody.”

Volunteers at the Englewood hospital usually work four-hour shifts and around three days a week. Tullos works up to five days a week sometimes.

“I’m sitting at home doing nothing, so If someone calls in sick, they give me a holler,” Tullos said. “I’m on the top of the waiting list.”

Tullos used to work at State Farm where he was familiar with working with others and clients. He felt that his previous work provided him with experience to talk with all kinds of patients and visitors.

“When you’re transporting patients, that’s when you get to talking,” Tullos said. “You find out a lot of times how they feel about this hospital.”

He said he’s been in a lot of hospitals, but never got the kind of treatment and experience he’s had from Englewood’s Hospital.

“The food here is great, too,” he said.

Julie Beatty, communications and community engagement director, talked about how important Tullos is to the hospital.

“First impressions are so important, and George is often the first face people see when they get into the hospital,” Beatty said. “You have such a wonderful demeanor and you are so friendly and compassionate that it sets the tone for someone’s experience with us.”

The Englewood Hospital welcomes volunteers, visit the volunteer page to find out more.

Volunteers can help out with food, front desk, escort patients and clerical to name a few. Those who sign up to volunteer will be matched up with things they enjoy doing.

For more information, call Beatty at (941) 473-5035.

Tullos advises others who have time on their hands to volunteer whenever and wherever they can.

“Anybody that’s able to should give it a try,” he said. “There has to be a desire to be with other people.”

Reprinted from The Daily Sun Englewood, 08/21/23. Jessica Orlando, staff writer.

August 20, 2023
HCA Florida Englewood Hospital

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