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Contact us

To keep our patients and visitors informed, our hospital provides contact information through this online phone directory for each of our departments.

HCA Florida JFK North Hospital

2201 45th St West Palm Beach FL 33407

Main number: (561) 842-6141
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Phone directory

Behavioral health services: (561) 881-2601

Billing and patient accounts: (866) 235-6154

Central scheduling: (877) 331-7024

Consult-A-Nurse: (561) 863-3958

Emergency room: (561) 863-3900

Human resources: (561) 863-3820

Medical records: (844) 481-0298

Medical records/Health information department: (561) 863-3989

Outpatient diagnostic scheduling: (877) 331-7024

Outpatient rehabilitation services: (561) 863-3940

Outpatient surgery: (561) 863-3836

Pain Care Center: (561) 881-5818

Patient account customer service: (866) 235-6154

Patient estimation assistance: (888) 334-3868

Patient pre-registration for services: (877) 351-7006

Physician referral: (888) 256-7694

Price estimates: (888) 334-3868

Public relations and marketing: (561) 881-5908

Radiology and diagnostic imaging department: (561) 863-3970

Recruitment job line: (561) 863-3922

Recruitment office: (561) 841-2202

Registration department: (561) 863-3825

Vitas inpatient hospice unit: (561) 863-3835

Wound management: (561) 844-1029