Contact us
HCA Florida JFK North Hospital
Get directionsPhone directory
Behavioral health services: (561) 881-2601
Billing and patient accounts: (866) 235-6154
Central scheduling: (877) 331-7024
Consult-A-Nurse: (561) 863-3958
Emergency room: (561) 863-3900
Human resources: (561) 863-3820
Medical records: (844) 481-0298
Medical records/Health information department: (561) 863-3989
Outpatient diagnostic scheduling: (877) 331-7024
Outpatient rehabilitation services: (561) 863-3940
Outpatient surgery: (561) 863-3836
Pain Care Center: (561) 881-5818
Patient account customer service: (866) 235-6154
Patient estimation assistance: (888) 334-3868
Patient pre-registration for services: (877) 351-7006
Physician referral: (888) 256-7694
Price estimates: (888) 334-3868
Public relations and marketing: (561) 881-5908
Radiology and diagnostic imaging department: (561) 863-3970
Recruitment job line: (561) 863-3922
Recruitment office: (561) 841-2202
Registration department: (561) 863-3825
Vitas inpatient hospice unit: (561) 863-3835
Wound management: (561) 844-1029