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Contact us

To keep our patients and visitors informed, our hospital provides contact information through this online phone directory for each of our departments.

HCA Florida Lawnwood Hospital

1700 S 23rd St Fort Pierce FL 34950

Main number: (772) 461 - 4000
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Phone directory

Below you'll find a convenient list of phone numbers you can call for further assistance. You may even want to print this list for quick reference. We welcome your call at any time, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Our hospital's main number is (772) 461 - 4000. Please call this number, and upon hearing the hospital's phone answering system, enter a "1" plus the extension number below and then press #. The entries that have seven digits must be called directly, if necessary add our "772" area code.

Phone Directory

Admitting/Registration: (772) 468-4451

Billing & Patient Accounts: (866) 235-6518

Business Office: (772) 468-4494

Case Management: (772) 467-8166

Central Scheduling: (877) 331-7025

Class & Event Registration: (772) 742-9050

Consult-A-Nurse/Physician Referral: (772) 742-9050

Emergency Services: (772) 468-4551

Ethics and Compliance: (772) 468-4507

Human Resources: (772) 467-8120

Lawnwood Pavilion (Behavioral Health Center): (772) 466-1500

Medical Records: (888) 616-5721

Outpatient Department: (772) 468-4502

Outpatient Rehabilitation: (772) 468-1200

Patient Account Customer Service: (866) 235-6518

Patient Estimation Assistance: (888) 334-3868

Patient Rooms: (772) 461-4000

Physical therapy and rehabilitation center: (772) 467-3908

Pre-Registration: (877) 351-7006

Price Estimates: (888) 334-3868

Public Relations & Media: (954) 562-6016

Risk Management: (772) 468-4489