Contact us
HCA Florida Orange Park Hospital
2001 Kingsley Ave Orange Park FL 32073
Main number: (904) 639 - 8500
Phone directory
Administration: (904) 639-8844
Admitting (inpatient): (904) 639-8561
Billing & patient accounts: (833) 828-8907
Central scheduling: (888) 887-6675
Class and event registration: (800) 889-3627
Emergency services: (904) 639-8580
Main switchboard: (904) 639-8500
Medical staff office: (904) 639-8554
Outpatient scheduling: (904) 639-8565
Patient account customer Service: 833-828-8907
Patient account services: (904) 276-8574
Patient estimation assistance: 888-334-3868
Physician referral: (800) 889-3627
Price estimates: 888-334-3868
Public relations: (904) 639-2697
Frequently asked questions
If you have a question about symptoms, an illness, an injury, medication, or other medical questions, please contact your physician. If you do not have a physician and need help finding one, you may call our free Physician Referral Line at (800) 889-3627 or you may find a physician on this website.
If you need assistance with medical records, please visit our medical records page or call (888)-616-5721.
Please contact Guest Services at (904) 639-3714 to share feedback on your most recent experience.
We welcome your suggestions and will answer any questions you may have about our services. Please enter your comments below, and be sure to include your telephone number and e-mail address.