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Contact us

We offer a phone directory with each of our hospital department's contact information to keep patients and visitors informed and make communication easy.

HCA Florida St. Lucie Hospital

1800 SE Tiffany Ave Port St Lucie FL 34952

Main number: (772) 335 - 4000
Get directions

Phone directory

Billing and patient accounts: (866) 235-6519

Central scheduling: (877) 331-7026

Marketing and public relations: (772) 265-3795

Patient account customer service: (866) 235-6519

Patient estimation assistance: (888) 334-3868

Price estimates: (888) 334-3868

If you have concerns, and would like to speak with someone regarding the care you or your loved one received or are receiving, please fill out this form or contact the Patient Advocate.

Patient Advocate number: (772) 398-3705

Email a patient advocate