Contact Us
HCA Florida West Hospital
Phone directory
Billing & Patient Accounts: (866) 463-7449
Central Scheduling: (888) 894-2113
Classes and Event Registration: (850) 494-3212
Diabetes Center: (850) 494-4950
Emergency Department: (850) 494-3737
Employment: (850) 494-4113
Family Birthplace: (850) 494-4368
h2u: (850) 494-4961
Health Education Center: (850) 494-4810
Main Hospital Switchboard: (850) 494-4000
Marketing and Public Relations: (850) 494-4139
Medical Records: (850) 494-6500
Memory Disorder Clinic: (850) 494-6497
Patient Account Customer Service: (866) 463-7449
Patient Estimation Assistance: (800) 617-7044
Patient Information: (850) 494-4192
Physician Referral/Consult-A-Nurse: (850) 494-3212
Prenatal Education: (850) 494-4811
Price Estimates: (800) 617-7044
Telecommunications Line for the Deaf: (850) 494-6576