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Contact us

Our hospital keeps patients and visitors informed and makes communication easy by providing contact information for each department through our phone directory.

HCA Florida Westside Hospital

8201 W Broward Blvd Plantation FL 33324

Main number: (954) 473 - 6600
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Phone directory

Billing & patient accounts: (800) 523-5658

Cardiac cath lab: (954) 452-2125

Cardiopulmonary department: (954) 476-3931

Central scheduling: (877) 331-7029

Chest Pain Center: (954) 452-2167

Consult-A-Nurse: (954) 370-5585

Customer service: (954) 916-5444

Emergency room: (954) 476-3900

Endoscopy suite: (954) 476-3986

Engineering: (954) 452-2146

Gift shop: (954) 256-3901

Hospital administration: (954) 476-3915

Human resources: (954) 476-3996

Interventional radiology: (954) 916-5422

Laboratory: (954) 476-3951

Materials management: (954) 476-3999 

Medical records: (844) 481-0278

Medical staff: (954) 476-3911

Nursing sdministration: (954) 476-3984

Oncology: (954) 476-3966

Outpatient surgery: (954) 476-3942

Patient account customer service: (800) 523-5658

Patient estimation assistance: (800) 617-7044

Physical therapy: (954) 476-3959

Price estimates: (800) 617-7044

Public relations/media: (305) 215-3910

Radiology: (954) 476-3918

Registration: (954) 476-3907

Risk management: (954) 452-2178

Sleep Disorder Center: (954) 476-3973

Staff development and training: (954) 476-3979

Surgery: (954) 476-3925

Volunteers: (954) 256-3901

Worker's compensation: (954) 476-3938