Contact us
Our hospital keeps patients and visitors informed and makes communication easy by providing contact information for each department through our phone directory.
HCA Florida Woodmont Hospital
Get directionskeyboard_arrow_rightPhone directory
Administration: (954) 724-6100
Admission: (954) 724-6138
Billing & patient accounts: (800) 449-8962
Business office: (954) 724-6170
Central scheduling: (877) 331-7030
Communications and community engagement: (954) 724-6345
Consult-A-Nurse: (954) 724-6349
Emergency room: (954) 724-6225
Gift shop: (954) 724-6405
Human resources fax: (954) 724-6666
Information desk: (954) 724-6460
Medical records: (866) 463-7272
Patient account customer service: (800) 449-8962
Patient case management: (954) 724-6310
Patient comment line: (954) 724-6459
Price estimates: (800) 617-7044
Patient estimation assistance: (800) 617-7044
Physical therapy: (954) 724-6270
Physician referral: (954) 724-6342
Radiology: (954) 724-6240
University pavilion/RESPOND: (954) 724-6502