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For medical professionals at HCA Florida Blake Hospital

A hub for healthcare professionals at HCA Florida Blake Hospital, including physicians, mid-level providers, nurses and other medical professionals.

Graduate medical education

HCA Florida Blake Hospital offers a variety of accredited programs to produce the highest quality physicians possible. Our dynamic environment provides residents the opportunities to be exposed to a wide variety of clinical encounters across the lifespan.

Search all GME programs

Hospital affiliation letters for medical staff

Outside organizations can quickly and easily request the verification of physicians in good standing at an HCA Florida Healthcare hospital. The requesting organization may self-generate and print a verification letter.

Use iResponse to generate hospital affiliation letters

Get help with hospital affiliate letters

Pharmacy Residency Program

HCA Florida Blake Hospital PGY-1 pharmacy residency is a 12-month program with pharmacy staff and faculty committed to ensuring residents graduate with confidence and assertiveness needed to address patients’ healthcare needs. Learn more about eligibility, selection process, program requirements and available rotations.

Learn about our Pharmacy Residency Program

PatientKeeper connect

PatientKeeper revolutionizes the accessibility of critical patient information throughout HCA Healthcare while improving quality, enhancing regulatory compliance, connecting physicians and facilities across our healthcare system, and ultimately ensuring that the communities we serve receive the best possible care.

Update/download PatientKeeper - iOS

Update/download PatientKeeper - Android


HCA Florida Blake Hospital offers a wide range of career opportunities in the healthcare field. Whether you are a physician, physical therapist or pharmacist, we continually look for knowledgeable and compassionate individuals to join our committed and caring team.

Physician careers

The physicians at HCA Florida Blake Hospital have access to a vast network of support and advancement opportunities in the healthcare community. We continually seek physicians and specialists to join the dedicated and caring teams in our community.