Red de Plus Care
Red de atención de HCA Healthcare Plus
Para apoyar a los pacientes que necesitan atención continua después de su estadía en el hospital, los hospitales de HCA Healthcare han desarrollado Plus Care Network con recursos para agencias de salud en el hogar, centros de enfermería especializada, centros de rehabilitación para pacientes hospitalizados, hospitales de cuidados intensivos a largo plazo y agencias de cuidados paliativos.
¿Necesita atención después de salir del hospital?
Podemos ayudarlo a tomar una decisión informada.
If you were told by your doctor or medical team that additional care is needed to support your recovery, we are here to help. (If you're not sure which type of care your doctor has ordered for you, please check with your case manager.) We have developed a network of facilities/agencies who meet our quality and clinical criteria and have the ability to meet your needs. Bayonet Point Hospital's Plus Care Network helps you or your loved ones make an informed decision about continuing care. It is your right to choose your post-hospital facility/agency but it is our responsibility to help you choose the one that will best meet your needs. Click the links below to learn more about our network and the types of care that are offered.
Nuestra red Plus Care * incluye:
Nuestras instalaciones y agencias de la red plus care demuestran:
- Capacidad para satisfacer las necesidades clínicas de nuestros pacientes.
- Atención que conduce a una alta satisfacción del paciente
- Personal amable y profesional.
- Tasas de reingreso más bajas
- Una variedad de servicios, capacidades, comodidades y aceptación de seguros.
**The facilities/agencies listed are part of our Plus Care Network. This list is not inclusive of all post-hospital facilities/agencies in the area. You have the right to select any facility/agency to provide the care recommended by your physician.
How we select our Plus Care Network* facilities and agencies
Our hospital leadership teams evaluated both facility/agency-reported and publicly available data to select our Plus Care Network. More specifically, we selected facilities/agencies based upon their willingness to collaborate, quality scores, overall star rating, service offerings and clinical capabilities. Overall, the hospitals chose providers that could meet the medical and psychosocial needs of their patients. Our Plus Care Network facilities/agencies have entered into an agreement with the hospital but do not pay to be a part of the Plus Care Network. Please note, some providers may be affiliated with, and/or owned or controlled, by the hospital. Facilities/agencies affiliated with, and/or owned or controlled by competitors, may not be eligible for participation in the network.
*Plus Care Network is a Value-Based Enterprise (VBE) pursuant to 42 C.F.R. § 1001.952(ee).