Contact Us
Our hospital keeps patients and visitors informed and makes communication easy by providing contact information for each department through our phone directory.
HCA Florida Bayonet Point Hospital
Get Directionskeyboard_arrow_rightPhone directory
Billing & Patient Accounts: (800) 861-0141
Case Management/Utilization: (727) 819-2929
Central Scheduling: (800) 921-7155
Gift Shop: (727) 819-2929 (x35823)
Human Resources: (727) 869-5440
Kids @ the Point Child Care Center: (727) 861-5145
Marketing/Public Relations: (727) 869-5461
Pastoral Care Services: (727) 861-5196
Patient Account Customer Service: (800) 861-0141
Patient Estimation Assistance: (800) 617-7044
Patient Safety/Risk Manager: (727) 819-2998
Physician Referral: (888) 741-5119
Physician Referral - Toll Free: (888) 741-5119
Price Estimates: (800) 617-7044
Public Relations: (727) 869-5461
Trauma Services: (727) 869-5511
Wound Care: (727) 869-5551
If you have questions regarding pain, bleeding, discharge or other related conditions, after a recent procedure, surgery, inpatient discharge or visit to The Emergency Center, Please call your physician. This web inquiry page cannot be used for questions regarding these health related issues.