Contact Us
HCA Florida Bayonet Point Hospital
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Billing & Patient Accounts: (800) 861-0141
Case Management/Utilization: (727) 819-2929
Central Scheduling: (800) 921-7155
Gift Shop: (727) 819-2929 (x35823)
Human Resources: (727) 869-5440
Kids @ the Point Child Care Center: (727) 861-5145
Marketing/Public Relations: (727) 869-5461
Pastoral Care Services: (727) 861-5196
Patient Account Customer Service: (800) 861-0141
Patient Estimation Assistance: (800) 617-7044
Patient Safety/Risk Manager: (727) 819-2998
Physician Referral: (888) 741-5119
Physician Referral - Toll Free: (888) 741-5119
Price Estimates: (800) 617-7044
Public Relations: (727) 869-5461
Trauma Services: (727) 869-5511
Wound Care: (727) 869-5551
If you have questions regarding pain, bleeding, discharge or other related conditions, after a recent procedure, surgery, inpatient discharge or visit to The Emergency Center, Please call your physician. This web inquiry page cannot be used for questions regarding these health related issues.