Contact Us
HCA Florida Blake Hospital
Get DirectionsPhone directory
Billing & patient accounts: (800) 523-5827
Burn and plastic surgery: (941) 576-2876
Central scheduling: (866) 463-7004
Company care: (941) 798-6477
Emergency room: (941) 792-6611
Human resources: (941) 798-6160
Laboratory: (941) 798-6137
Medical staff office: (941) 798-6149
Patient account customer service: (800) 523-5827
Patient estimation assistance: (800) 617-7044
Patient experience: (941) 798-6052
Physician referral/Consult-A-Nurse: (888) 359-3552
Public relations: (941) 798-6056
Price estimates: (800) 617-7044
Rehabilitation services: (941) 798-6171
Rehabilitation unit (2 East): (941) 798-6298
Respiratory department: (941) 798-6196
If you have questions regarding pain, bleeding, discharge or other related conditions, after a recent procedure, surgery, inpatient discharge or visit to The Emergency Center, please call your physician. This web inquiry page cannot be used for questions regarding these health related issues.