Contact us
HCA Florida Brandon Hospital
119 Oakfield Dr Brandon FL 33511
Main number: (813) 681 - 5551
Phone directory
Admitting/registration (after 5:00pm and weekends): (813) 916-1472
Billing & patient accounts: (800) 733-0429
Cardiac catheterization: (813) 916-1231
Cardiac EKG/Echo/Stress: (813) 916-1151
Central scheduling: (866) 463-7001
Class and event registration: (888) 327-2636
Diagnostic and rehab center: (813) 916-1727
Diagnostic imaging: (866) 463-7001
Dieticians: (813) 916-0905
Education: (813) 916-0531
Employee health services: (813) 916-0541
Environmental services/lost and found: (813) 916-0665
Heart and Vascular Department: (813) 916-0661
Human Resources: (813) 916-0721
Interventional radiology: (813) 916-1231
Laboratory: (813) 916-5130
Marketing: (813) 916-0634
Materials management: (813) 916-0212
Medical staff coordinator: (813) 916-0244
Patient account customer service: (800) 733-0429
Patient estimation assistance: (800) 617-7044
Patient information/rooms: (813) 681-5551
Physician referral: (877) 442-2362
Price estimates: (800) 617-7044
Quality management: (813) 916-0305
Risk management: (813) 916-0732
Spine center: (813) 916-0636
Utilization management: (813) 916-0651
If you have questions regarding pain, bleeding, discharge or other related conditions, after a recent procedure, surgery, inpatient discharge or visit to The Emergency Center, please call your physician. This web inquiry page cannot be used for questions regarding these health related issues.