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Contact us

We offer a phone directory with each of our hospital department's contact information to keep patients and visitors informed and make communication easy.

HCA Florida Brandon Hospital

119 Oakfield Dr Brandon FL 33511

Main number: (813) 681 - 5551

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Phone directory

Admitting/registration (after 5:00pm and weekends): (813) 916-1472

Billing & patient accounts: (800) 733-0429

Cardiac catheterization: (813) 916-1231

Cardiac EKG/Echo/Stress: (813) 916-1151

Central scheduling: (866) 463-7001

Class and event registration: (888) 327-2636

Diagnostic and rehab center: (813) 916-1727

Diagnostic imaging: (866) 463-7001

Dieticians: (813) 916-0905

Education: (813) 916-0531

Employee health services: (813) 916-0541

Environmental services/lost and found: (813) 916-0665

Heart and Vascular Department: (813) 916-0661

Human Resources: (813) 916-0721

Interventional radiology: (813) 916-1231

Laboratory: (813) 916-5130

Marketing: (813) 916-0634

Materials management: (813) 916-0212

Medical staff coordinator: (813) 916-0244

Patient account customer service: (800) 733-0429

Patient estimation assistance: (800) 617-7044

Patient information/rooms: (813) 681-5551

Physician referral: (877) 442-2362

Price estimates: (800) 617-7044

Quality management: (813) 916-0305

Risk management: (813) 916-0732

Spine center: (813) 916-0636

Utilization management: (813) 916-0651

If you have questions regarding pain, bleeding, discharge or other related conditions, after a recent procedure, surgery, inpatient discharge or visit to The Emergency Center, please call your physician. This web inquiry page cannot be used for questions regarding these health related issues.