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The Sunflower Award

The Sunflower Award — celebrating ancillary caregivers

About the Sunflower Award

The Sunflower Award is bestowed on a quarterly basis to an ancillary staff member who delivers compassionate care and remarkable patient experience. This person provides outstanding service and supports our patients, family and visitor needs. Ancillary caregivers include any hospital employee who is not a nurse.

How to nominate an extraordinary caregiver

Patients, visitors, physicians, volunteers and employees may nominate a deserving caregiver by filling out the form below.

Nominee information

Nominate a caregiver as a deserving recipient of the Sunflower Award if they consistently meet all of the following criteria:

  • Goes above and beyond to care for the needs of the patient and family
  • Has a positive attitude and demonstrates professionalism
  • Job performance exemplifies the mission, vision and values of HCA Florida Healthcare
  • Is thoughtful, compassionate and caring in all situations