Medical records
Citrus Health Patient Portal
Our hospital offers a secure online health management tool for patients.
Obtaining your medical records
With this tool, you have access to your clinical record summary and results for tests performed in our lab, diagnostic imaging and pathology departments. You can also review your contact information, patient education information and download a copy of your medical record.
Enroll for patient portal access now, or register by calling (352) 560-6887.
Patient requests
To request a copy of your medical records through the online portal, click on the link below and follow the prompts for online medical record request submission.
The link below will take you to an online health information request portal on a new screen. If you have questions about the Medical Records request process, please contact (844) 481-0278.
Online Medical Record Request Portal
- Download, print and complete the authorization form. The authorization form must be signed and dated.
- In order to verify your identification and validate your authorization, we require a legible copy of a valid photo I.D. (e.g., driver’s license, military I.D. or state I.D.).
- You may send your request in the following ways:
- Fax: (844) 481-0298
- Email requests
- Mail: PO Box 290789
Nashville, TN 37229-0789
- To obtain Radiology Images, please contact the Radiology Department directly.
- To obtain a certified copy of your Birth Certificate please contact your state or local Vital Statistics Office.
Records delivered by mail will be shipped within 5-7 Business days after processing.
Records delivered by email will be received within 1-2 Business days after processing.
For questions regarding obtaining medical record copies, or to obtain the status of your request call (844) 481-0278.
Urgent requests, records for your physician
For immediate continuity of care, your healthcare provider can request records.
The physician office must fax a written request on their letterhead to (786) 206-0830 indicating the patient's name, date of birth, date of visit and the name of the facility where you were treated. Please indicate "STAT" for all urgent requests. For assistance, call (844) 481-0278.
Non-patient requests (insurance, attorney, disability and third party requests)
Requests should be sent from your insurance company, attorney, or Disability Determination Service and mailed to the address below. We cannot accept faxes and email requests. For assistance, call (844) 481-0278.
Mail request to:
Tampa SSC
PO Box 292409
Nashville, TN 37239 -2409