Contact us
Need to contact HCA Florida Fort Walton-Destin Hospital or get directions? Find our address and department phone numbers.
HCA Florida Fort Walton-Destin Hospital
1000 Mar Walt Drive
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547
Main number: (850) 862-1111
Phone directory
24 Hour Emergency: (850) 863-7607
Administration: (850) 863-7501
Billing & Patient Accounts: (800) 610-3519
Cancer Care Center (Toll Free): (866) 338-4950
Cardiac Rehab: (850) 315-7870
Cardiovascular Imaging: (850) 315-7823
Central Scheduling: (888) 894-2114
Communications and Community Engagement: (850) 315-1352
Consult-A-Nurse®: (850) 864-0213
Destin Diagnostic Imaging: (850) 650-8804
Destin Emergency Care: (850) 837-9194
Diagnostic Imaging: (850) 863-7578
Emergency Department: (850) 863-7607
Express ER: (850) 863-7642
Laboratory: (850) 863-7561
Main Hospital Number: (850) 862-1111
Medical Care Unit/Oncology: (850) 315-7891
Nursing Administration: (850) 863-7601
Patient Account Customer Service: (800) 610-3519
Patient Estimation Assistance: (888) 334-3868
Physical Therapy: (850) 863-7581
Physician Referral: (850) 864-0213
Price Estimates: (888) 334-3868
TTD Users: (850) 862-0467