Contact us
To keep our patients and visitors informed, HCA Florida Lake Monroe Hospital provides contact information for each of our departments and patient rooms.
HCA Florida Lake Monroe's main phone number is (407) 321-4500. If you need to contact a specific department, please consult the phone directory below.
If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 immediately.
Phone directory
Administration: (407) 302-7392
Billing and patient accounts: (800) 610-3521
Case management: (407) 562-9740
Cashier: (407) 321-4500, ext. 35643
Centralized preregistration: (888) 616-5726
Centralized scheduling: (888) 894-2106
Class and event registration: (800) 445-3392
Company care: (407) 302-7322
Diabetes education: (407) 562-0976
Dietary food services: (407) 321-4500, ext. 20999
Emergency services: (407) 324-7720
Human resources: (407) 302-7381
Imaging services: (407) 302-7372
Information desk: (407) 562-0127
Inpatient medical rehabilitation: (407) 833-7576
Laboratory services: (407) 321-4500, ext. 35736
Marketing and public relations: (407) 302-7363
Medical staff services: (407) 562-0125
Nursing: (407) 833-7568
Patient account customer service: (800) 610-3521
Patient estimation assistance: (888) 334-3868
Patient rooms: (407) 321-4500: Press "1" for English or press "2" for Spanish. Then, press "9" if you know the five-digit extension.
Physician fax scheduling: (877) 847-9982
Physician referral: (800) 445-3392
Price estimates: (888) 334-3868
Rehabilitation services (PT/OT/ST): (407) 322-3442
Risk manager/Safety officer: (407) 833-7567
Wound care: (407) 302-7399