Contact us
HCA Florida Lake Monroe's main phone number is (407) 321-4500. If you need to contact a specific department, please consult the phone directory below.
If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 immediately.
Phone directory
Administration: (407) 302-7392
Billing and patient accounts: (800) 610-3521
Case management: (407) 562-9740
Cashier: (407) 321-4500, ext. 35643
Centralized preregistration: (888) 616-5726
Centralized scheduling: (888) 894-2106
Class and event registration: (800) 445-3392
Company care: (407) 302-7322
Diabetes education: (407) 562-0976
Dietary food services: (407) 321-4500, ext. 20999
Emergency services: (407) 324-7720
Human resources: (407) 302-7381
Imaging services: (407) 302-7372
Information desk: (407) 562-0127
Inpatient medical rehabilitation: (407) 833-7576
Laboratory services: (407) 321-4500, ext. 35736
Marketing and public relations: (407) 302-7363
Medical staff services: (407) 562-0125
Nursing: (407) 833-7568
Patient account customer service: (800) 610-3521
Patient estimation assistance: (888) 334-3868
Patient rooms: (407) 321-4500: Press "1" for English or press "2" for Spanish. Then, press "9" if you know the five-digit extension.
Physician fax scheduling: (877) 847-9982
Physician referral: (800) 445-3392
Price estimates: (888) 334-3868
Rehabilitation services (PT/OT/ST): (407) 322-3442
Risk manager/Safety officer: (407) 833-7567
Wound care: (407) 302-7399