Contact us
HCA Florida Osceola Hospital
700 W Oak St Kissimmee FL 34741
Main number: (407) 846 - 2266
Phone directory
Behavioral Health Center, inpatient: (407) 518-5850
Behavioral health counseling, outpatient: (407) 518-1143
Behavioral health intake: (407) 518-5835
Behavioral health, ECP coordinator: (407) 518-2714
Billing & patient accounts : (866) 513-8192
Breast Care Center: (407) 518-3826
Cardiac rehab: (407) 518-3110
Central scheduling: (888) 894-2112
Chaplain: (407) 518-3417
Class and event registration: (800) 447-8206
Employee clinic: (407) 846-3047
Gift shop: (407) 518-3880
HCA Florida Hunter's Creek Emergency: (407) 903-7033
HCA Florida Millenia Emergency: (407) 393-9800
Heart Valve Clinic coordinator: (407) 518-2728
Human resources: (407) 518-3540
Kissimmee Physical Therapy Center: occupational, physical and speech: (407) 847-7678
Kissimmee Surgery Center: (407) 870-0573
Labor and delivery (baby suites and NICU Level III): (407) 518-3380
Medical records: (888) 616-5721
Medical staff office: (407) 518-3175
MyHealthONE Patient Health Portal support: (855) 488-6625
Osceola Imaging Center (OIC): (407) 518-3826
Patient account customer service : (866) 513-8192
Patient estimation assistance : (888) 334-3868
Patient information/rooms: (407) 518-3820
Physician referral/Consult-A-Nurse: (844) 706-8773
Price estimates : (888) 334-3868
Public relations/marketing: (407) 518-4107
Volunteer services: (407) 518-3907
Wound care and hyperbarics: (407) 518-3565
If you are experiencing a medical emergency, immediately call 911.