When you have questions, HCA Florida Healthcare nurses have answers
Patients want to be empowered to seek care, not overcome by feelings of guilt. That’s why HCA Florida Healthcare has a Consult-A-Nurse®, a triaging service that gives you access to a registered nurse who can answer your healthcare questions.
When to use Consult-A-Nurse®
Consult-A-Nurse® is a way to help you feel empowered, even when you’re not sure what’s going on. There are three reasons why you may want to call:
1. You have a general health question
Perhaps you just received a new prescription and are concerned about how it will interact with your other medications. Or you’ve been noticing some new symptoms and wonder whether they’re side effects of the medication you are taking. You may worry about bothering your doctor with such questions but are concerned that if you don’t ask the questions, the situation might get worse.
In this case, you need someone to talk to who will take you seriously. Consult-A-Nurse® connects you with a real person who understands your confusion. There’s no need to be concerned about judgement — the nurses who staff the line have encountered many similar situations. They know that patients don’t have the same level of knowledge as they do, and they’re happy to share what they’ve learned through education and experience.
2. You have a non-urgent health symptom
Maybe you have a bruise that hasn’t healed for a few days, mild pregnancy cramps, a spot on your skin that you’re wondering about or a cough that just won’t go away. You may be concerned and wonder whether you will need a doctor’s care. More than anything, you just want to be able to tell a healthcare professional about your symptoms and hear their opinion.
The nurses at Consult-A-Nurse® know that you should never delay necessary care and that some symptoms that seem mild are actually signs of something bigger that requires care. They can help you feel validated — whether you need to go to the doctor or not.
3. You have an urgent health symptom
Urgent health symptoms include bleeding, chest pains, breathing issues or anything else that might require immediate care. In these situations, you should head to an emergency room right away. If you are experiencing a heart attack, stroke or other urgent medical event, every minute counts. Consult-A-Nurse® is not meant for emergencies and is not a replacement for the emergency room.
The nurses who staff the line will help you in any way they can. If you have any questions at all about whether you are experiencing an emergency, they can quickly get you on the right path.
Symptoms that might need an expert’s opinion
Sometimes, of course, you might not know whether you have a medical question, a non-urgent health symptom or an urgent medical problem. That’s where the nurse comes in. They can quickly assess the situation and tell you the appropriate next step.
The following are some of the most common reasons why you might call Consult-A-Nurse®:
Chest pain
There are many conditions that could cause chest pain, including anxiety, indigestion or a heart attack. While you may not be able to distinguish any of these conditions from each other, our nurses are specially trained to ask the right questions. For example, if you have sudden, crushing chest pain or the pain radiates into your jaw or left arm, you should head to the emergency room right away.
A fever is a symptom, not a disease itself. And it can be a sign of main different conditions. Sometimes, it’s best to take acetaminophen and then watch and wait. Other times, such as when the fever rises over 103 F in an adult, you may need immediate care. When you call the Consult-A-Nurse® line, the nurse may be able to pre-register you for your local urgent care center.
Discolored or abnormal body fluids
If you notice unusual colors in your urine, mucus, nipple discharge, vomit or other bodily fluids, you may understandably be concerned. What you don’t realize, however, is that some colors are more alarming than others. The nurse who’s on the other end of the line can help you determine if it’s serious. They can ask you other revealing questions, such as whether the discharge smells, if you’ve had it before, how long you’ve noticed it and if you have been experiencing other symptoms such as pain.
Like fever, a headache can be a symptom of another condition. Unlike fever, a headache can be a big problem all on its own — as many migraine sufferers could tell you. So, is your headache the kind that will go away when you take some ibuprofen, or should you be concerned that it’s warning you about another problem? A nurse has the experience to know what kinds of questions to ask and when a headache could become more than just a headache.
Pregnancy concerns
Well before the newborn baby anxiety, pregnant women often don’t know how to interpret what’s going on in their body as they anticipate the day when their little one will arrive. Does a little bit of spotting mean something’s wrong? Should they be concerned about minor cramping? Our nurses are happy to ease pregnant moms’ minds — and suggest that they call their doctor, if needed. Not only do they help with physical concerns, but they can also tend to their mental health. In some situations, a pregnant woman may just need someone to talk to about her fears.
Rashes or skin issues
You can get a rash for so many different reasons — you ate something you’re allergic to, came in contact with a plant such as poison ivy or are stressed out about an upcoming event. In some cases, the rash will go away without any treatment, but it can be hard to differentiate between an innocuous rash and one that requires medical intervention. Consult-A-Nurse® allows you to talk live with a nurse who will discuss the possibilities with you. Even if you don’t need to see a doctor, they can suggest ointments or medications that will relieve any discomfort you might be feeling.
Taking charge of your care
While the nurses who staff Consult-A-Nurse® are experienced on a wide variety of topics, they are only one step on your healthcare journey. They will be able to triage your need for care and then recommend who to see, where to go and what to do next.