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Sharon Crandall

Following a hiatal hernia procedure, Sharon's symptoms worsened. The team at UCF Lake Nona Hospital revised her procedure, restoring her health.

October 10, 2023
A married man and woman smiling at a table in a restaurant

Sharon Crandall dealt with chronic heartburn for years. The fundoplication she sought a decade ago to remedy her hiatal hernia failed and unfortunately the heartburn returned along with additional unwanted symptoms including difficulty swallowing, severe and uncontrollable intestinal issues, plus asthma and dangerously low blood pressure. The hiatal hernia had increased in size, and her esophagus was harboring fungus.

She was in pain, losing weight, and was treated and released multiple times by area emergency departments, told by physicians nothing further could be done outside of medication. The medications she had been prescribed were not working, she was steadily growing sicker, and the family was growing desperate.

Fortunately, the Crandalls learned about HCA Florida Healthcare Thoracic Surgeon Farid Gharagozloo, MD, a cardiothoracic expert specializing in revisional surgeries for patients who have undergone surgery for the hiatus or previous fundoplications. Gharagozloo and the team at UCF Lake Nona Hospital have performed numerous surgeries on patients from throughout the country with this same issue.

“Unfortunately, hiatal hernia and Nissen operations fail in very large numbers, and many times the condition becomes life threatening,” Gharagozloo said. “It’s the design of the surgery and the shortcomings of the procedure, which causes the esophagus muscle to fail and ultimately become infected exacerbating the patient’s symptoms.”

After speaking with Sharon’s family, the hospital team responded quickly and they were instructed to get Sharon to UCF Lake Nona Hospital’s ER immediately.

“By the time we got to the hospital, the team was waiting for us,” Sharon’s husband, Rick, said. “We were not aware this hospital even existed and within five minutes of entering the ER they were already performing tests, and the next thing I know I’m in the room with the doctor with test results and three nurses and we haven’t even been there an hour yet.”

A woman standing in hospital gown with a walker and smiling

The good news was that something could be done, however the surgery ahead would be rough. Her stomach had considerable scar tissue and had become dislodged, the dislocated organs were pressing on her heart causing her blood pressure to plummet. Gharagozloo would have to unwrap her stomach from around her esophagus, straighten out her vagus nerve, which had become entangled, and reattach her bowel to relieve the intestinal issues.

Coming out of surgery Rick had prepared himself for seeing his wife afterwards. “We had already been through so much and I was just keeping it together.” Although the patient was very ill, seeing the compassion and expertise of the entire team was a source of confidence and solace for Rick.

The surgery just happened to coincide with the couple’s 55th wedding anniversary. The hospital Food and Nutrition Services team worked behind the scenes with her nurses to arrange a celebration for the couple. “I was keeping it together and when they surprised us I just lost it and cried. It was a wonderful, wonderful gesture and we were so incredibly touched. They all sang to us and it was beyond kind,” Rick said.

As her condition improved, Sharon was full of gratitude for her caregivers and the treatment and experience at UCF Lake Nona Hospital.

“There was never a time when we felt uncomfortable,” Rick said. “No matter what we asked for, it was met with a smile and kindness. And you don’t see that much. We were impressed.”

“The nurses took such good care of me that I really didn’t want to leave because I felt secure,” Sharon said. “The day I was released, I danced down the hallway and told them they saved my life. I’ve never had a doctor and hospital team that was so caring,” she concluded.

“After doing this for 30 years I can tell you as a surgeon I can do fantastic surgery and if the hospital and all the components are not right, the surgery will fail. We have gathered an amazing group of professionals. The excellent results following such complex surgery is a testament to the caliber of the professionals at UCF Lake Nona Hospital. Our team combines compassion and caring, great attention to detail, and extraordinary expertise in the treatment of these complex surgical problems.” Gharagozloo said. “You will not find this at too many places.”

October 10, 2023
UCF Lake Nona Medical Center