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Tim Rovnanik

"1-2-3- Team!” HCA Florida Brandon Hospital cheers on the Bloomingdale High School volleyball team coach, after he had quadruple bypass surgery.

November 06, 2023
Coach Tim Rovnanik

Anyone who attends a girls’ volleyball game at Bloomingdale will comment on the power of the game and the roar of the crowd. It is so overwhelming. On the sidelines, helping to drive this dynamic team, is assistant coach Tim Rovnanik.

After a recent heart attack, Coach Tim, as he is known, feels grateful to be courtside. “I wasn’t going to miss it. I’m here for the girls,” he said. His story is a come-back, a rally in volleyball terms.

With cardiac surgeon Dr. Bradley Bufkin’s 25 years of experience, he understood the immediate need for Coach Tim to have open-heart surgery with multiple artery blockages identified in his heart.

Dr. Bufkin also knew he was not alone in this critical moment. “We are an “unending” team within Brandon Hospital. We identify the health concern and transition excellent care from surgery to ICU to post-operative care,” said Dr. Bufkin.

Coach Tim teaches his players how to overcome adversity and now, he had to push himself. He was supported by the Brandon Hospital care team, his Bloomingdale High School community and his caring family. Now, he is back courtside, doing what he does best, coach.

Not obvious symptoms of congestive heart failure

Prior to my heart attack, “life was pretty normal,” said Coach Tim. He was raising his grandchildren, substitute teaching and coaching as usual at Bloomingdale High School. On weekends, he watched his favorite sports teams, the Pittsburgh Steelers and Penguins and Notre Dame.

Although he didn’t notice a big change, he had experienced some fatigue weeks before his condition worsened.

Then, “At 1:30 in the morning, I felt a snap in my chest area,” said Coach Tim. “And I woke up and I could tell that there was something wrong. And right away, your body knows and your mind says, this is not good.”

“He was rubbing his chest and I called 9-1-1,” said his wife, Lezlie Rovnanik.

Cardiac team in action

He arrived at the Brandon Hospital ER at 2:30PM.

 “Tim arrived at the ER with a lot of problems with shortness of breath and early fatigue. These symptoms had gone on for a few weeks prior but had rapidly worsened over the week prior,” said Dr. Bufkin. “He had also developed lower extremity swelling and those problems were all signs of congestive heart failure.”

At 3:30 in the morning, Coach Tim came through the cardiac cath lab, where the technicians took pictures of his arteries around his heart, called an angiogram. He had a heart attack in his early 30s and the extent of the damage to his heart was unknown.

“At the cardiac catheterization, they found that he had evidence of the old heart attack with one of the arteries completely occluded, but he had severe blockages and multiple arteries to the remainder of his heart,” said Dr. Bufkin. It was determined he needed emergent open-heart surgery.

During this difficult moment sharing news with patients, Dr. Bufkin said, “I treat my patients like family. I have been in their shoes. I think about that.”

“When he walked in the door, I knew that God was watching over us, when Dr. Bufkin came into our lives,” said Lezlie Rovnanik.

While Coach Tim was awaiting life-saving surgery, he realized he knew a caregiver at Brandon Hospital and she happened to be the Director of Cardiovascular Services, Brandy Provencher. She was making rounds and she recognized Coach Tim. He had coached her daughter the previous year at Bloomingdale High School and she had received an email the night before about his heart attack from the BSHS community.

“I actually had to hold back tears, because I knew how the images looked, his heart function, and I knew how it would affect my daughter,” said Provencher as she fought to hold back tears again recounting the moment. But she expressed to Coach Tim “You're in good hands.” And it gave her comfort, he was in the care of her trusted colleagues.

Twenty-four hours after being admitted in the ER, Coach Tim was being wheeled into surgery. He said he couldn’t resist coaching the cardiac care team and said “have good cohesion as a team.”

“We did a coronary artery bypass surgery, which is improving the blood flow to all parts of the heart. We ended up doing four bypasses and then after that, he went to our intensive care unit and recovered well,” said Dr. Bufkin.

Smooth recovery

When he returned to his room, he found this heart pillow, which he still has today, with the message, “Get Well Soon! The Kids at BSHS miss you!! And within a week, unbelievably, he made a quick recovery and was back home with his family.

“It was gratifying to know. We do this every day, but to help somebody that you know, and has such an impact on the local community, and especially our kids. We were all so happy, we were all like, wow, he went home, that's great. From our echo techs to our cath lab, everyone was just ecstatic, he made it home,” said Provencher.

Bloomingdale High School community, a part of the come-back

After the surgery, Coach Tim’s wife checked his cell phone and was shocked to find he had over 500 text messages expressing how the community was thinking of him and hoping he gets well.

During the next couple of weeks, students dropped off hundreds of hand written notes to the Bloomingdale High School office. Principal, Marcos Rodriguez personally delivered them to Coach Tim’s home. Head coach, Damian Goderich mowed the Rovnanik’s lawn and checked in on his family regularly. ‘Coach Tim Strong’ T-shirts sold out quickly and students and faculty alike were walking the halls showing their support.

A student vs. teacher volleyball game fundraiser was hosted on home court on May 17, 2023 to help Tim’s family. The Bloomingdale High School students edged out the teachers team, but it was a close two sets, the score was 25-23 and 26-24.

“The students won, but the teachers gave the students a real run for their money,” said student team coach, senior and volleyball player, Ellie Elsner (#13, Right-Side Hitter).

“Having everyone come together to welcome Coach Tim back during a volleyball game was one of this year’s most memorable experiences, To see so much support for Coach Tim and his family during this tough time was truly remarkable, ” said Rodriguez. “Coach Tim has been a part of the Bloomingdale community for many years as a volleyball coach and substitute teacher. ”

A GoFundMe account was set up and the original goal was $5,000 and that was quickly surpassed to $15,000 in the first two weeks. “I watched the GoFundMe account go up and up. I watched as students gave $2 and $5 donations and I wanted to share how much it meant to us. It really made such a big impact on our lives,” said Lezlie Rovnanik. Ultimately over $20,000 was raised for Coach Tim and his family by the community.

Messages from the team

“When I first found out about coach Tim, my heart sank into my stomach. He has been such a big part of my high school volleyball career, so it was hard to see someone I loved in pain. He’s been the biggest inspiration, and I can’t wait to play for his alma mater, the University of Tampa. I committed to play for UT. I want to make him proud, “said senior Maddie Sofarelli (#3, Middle Blocker).

“He has always been able to brighten my day no matter what. He’s there to make you laugh. He never misses a day and always shows up. He puts all that he has into his team. Even after having a heart attack, he still made it back in time for the season. He will never ever let any of us down,” said junior Elaina Fisher (#14, Middle Blocker).

“Coach Tim has had a great impact on my life the last four years and has shaped me as a player. It was a great experience to be a part of the Student vs. Teacher game, a fundraiser for Coach Tim and his family. I enjoyed being the student team coach. The turnout of fans that came to watch and support him showed how loved Coach Tim is,“ said Elsner.

“Tim is a selfless and transformational leader in both volleyball and here in the Bloomingdale Community. He has an incredible ability to gain the love of our athletes and students,” said Goderich. “I am grateful every minute he is here in the gym and I am so thankful to the team at Brandon Hospital. Without you guys, I would have lost a coach, brother and a friend.”

On the heels of Tampa Bay Heart Walk this past weekend, Coach Tim and the Bloomingdale Bulls head to the state volleyball tournament. Without a doubt, the girls will play their heart out for Coach Tim and the team of caregivers at Brandon Hospital will be cheering them along too.

Coach Tim Rovnanik and Dr.Bufkin
Coach Tim received a heart pillow with a get well message after surgery.
Coach Tim Strong image was printed on T-shirts to support his recovery.
The Bloomingdale community gathered in the gym for a volleyball game fundraiser.
Coach Tim and his team huddles on the volleyball court.
Head coach of Bloomingdale High School’s girls team, Damian Goderich and Coach Tim are in a photo.
November 06, 2023
HCA Florida Brandon Hospital

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