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Lorna J.

"I am now free from the fear of having bowel control issues because my gut muscles were no good."

March 30, 2020
Lorna J

"Eighteen months ago, I developed a condition that I was afraid to share with anyone. I was experiencing bowel disorder and I could not figure out what was causing this problem. I started to pay attention to a potential change in my diet, wondering if I was having a reaction to the supplements or a reaction to medication that I consumed on a daily basis. After watching, hoping for a change, and enduring many painful days, I made an appointment to see my primary care doctor who referred me to a Gastroenterologist (GI). Although a colonoscopy did not show signs of a major problem, my GI suggested additional testing which required that I travel outside of Palm Beach County.

"Having consulted with several specialists, I agreed and after a series of tests, I was referred to a surgeon back here in Palm Beach who diagnosed my condition as fecal incontinence. The surgeon cited that she could not guarantee improvement in my condition and since I was not a candidate for surgery — she instead referred me to a Pelvic Floor Specialist at Palms West Hospital, in the hopes that through therapy, the muscles in my rectum and abdomen would strengthen. I was somewhat skeptical, given that I had no core muscles, resulting from two C-sections; tubal ligation; hysterectomy; and a mastectomy with a tram flap — but the surgeon spoke very highly of this therapist and I was willing to try anything that did not involve yet another surgery.

"When I first sat down with Danielle, the Physical Therapist, I have to admit I was a little embarrassed but Danielle calmed me down and made me feel like I could share this embarrassing experience and reassured me that I was not alone. I learned that many women suffer in silence with similar bowel control issues but that Pelvic Floor therapy had proven successful for many. When she examined me, she confirmed that I did not have core muscles but gave me hope. She said that my condition could change with hard work. I vividly remember my words: 'If you can raise the dead, I'm prepared to do the work.'

"Pelvic Floor disorder therapy is one of the best things that have happened to me. The manner in which the therapy has altered my life is like going from darkness to light. I had gotten to the point that I did not want to participate in activities that were part of my normal life because I never knew when I'd have an accident. I was afraid to go places in fear I would have a bowel accident so, I avoided certain activities including leaving my home.

"After seven months of hard work and dedication, I am cured. I am healed. I am not afraid to wear white clothing and I am free of a most embarrassing condition that had plagued me for so long. Thank you, Danielle, and Palms West Hospital, for having this resource right here in the community. I hope my story inspires women and gives them the courage to speak up and get the help they need. I am glad I did. I have my life back."

March 30, 2020
HCA Florida Palms West Hospital