Annual International Read-A-Thon competition kicks off at HCA Florida Brandon Hospital
NICUs across the globe compete to read the most stories to infants.
Caregivers from across HCA Florida Brandon Hospital, as well as volunteers, are encouraged to read stories to infants from September 9-19. Throughout this annual Read-a-thon, caregivers can select books from Pippa’s Library located in the Brandon Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
Last year, Brandon Hospital ranked ninth overall in this worldwide Read-a-thon for caregiver reading sessions with NICU babies. The 2023 event included 192 NICUs around the globe with a total of 51,575 reading sessions with NICU babies.
“Besides the reassurance of hearing a reader’s voice and the comfort babies feel, there are additional benefits from reading to babies. It aids in brain development, language skills and memory building. This Read-a-thon supports reading to infants, which will have a life-long impact on their growth and development,” said Dr. Kiran Dwarakanath, Medical Director of Brandon Hospital’s NICU.
The Brandon Hospital NICU team is striving to break into the top five this year.