Senior mental health
Senior mental health services in Pensacola
We believe you deserve behavioral health treatments and care that are designed around your needs, including what stage of life you're in.
HCA Florida West Hospital's Reflections program provides the only inpatient senior mental health program in the area. We offer 18 beds for adults 65 years old and older. Our program includes a variety of therapies, such as group therapy and music therapy, that can be personalized just for you. We work to empower you to manage your behavioral health conditions and take control of your life again.
Related specialties
Learn more about our related specialties.
About our inpatient senior behavioral health unit
Reflections is located within its own discreet wing of our behavioral health care unit to assure privacy, confidentiality and comfort.
The evaluation process
We perform a comprehensive evaluation to determine the most efficient treatment for each patient. We are available 24/7 and can take emergency evaluations upon request. Our assessment process includes:
- Activities assessment
- Medical history and physical
- Neuropsychological evaluation (when ordered by psychiatrist)
- Nursing assessment
- Psychiatric evaluation
- Psychosocial evaluation
Inpatient admission process
We are always here and available to help. The senior admission process is as follows:
- The referral source calls the intake department.
- Our intake staff reviews the case with the psychiatrist.
- The psychiatrist decides whether to admit the patient based on the following requirements:
- They are clinically appropriate for placement in the Reflections program
- The behavioral health condition must be the primary concern, not medical
- They must be unable to care for themselves
- The must be motivated for treatment and able to benefit from our services
- The patient and referral source are informed of the psychiatrist’s decision.
- Admission is coordinated by our intake staff.
Medical clearance may also be necessary through our dedicated geriatric track in the emergency room (ER).
Our treatment services
Our treatment team includes a variety of specialists such as psychiatrists, nurses, counselors, case managers, expressive therapists and dietitians. These specialists will assist in the following treatments:
- Educational groups
- Group psychotherapy
- Individual psychotherapy
- Medication management
- Pet therapy
Senior mental health conditions are treatable and manageable, and patients are most successful with a team approach. For this reason, some of our group activities include:
- Family support/education group
- Music, dance, reminiscence and crafts
- Pastoral services, including counseling
Inpatient discharge
After being discharged from Reflections, patients often return to where they lived before, such as their own home or an assisted living facility. However, the therapist will sometimes need to arrange for placement in a more restrictive setting, like a nursing home, for safety reasons.
We will involve patients and their families in the discharge process as much as possible.
Memory Disorder Clinic
Our Memory Disorder Clinic is the only clinic designated by the State of Florida Department of Elder Affairs to serve the northwest Florida area.
About the clinic
The clinic provides a comprehensive evaluation in an accessible, convenient manner for patients concerned about memory disorders, Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
The clinic can help people with one or more of the following conditions:
- Change in thinking ability, judgment or concentration
- Difficulty with speech, reading, writing or other skills
- Memory loss
- Personality changes
Patients may contact the clinic directly or arrange a referral through a personal physician.
Memory disorder support groups
Community support groups take place in Community Rooms A and B at the West Florida Rehabilitation Institute.
The Parkinson's support group meets the second Friday of every month from 1:00pm to 2:00pm.
The Alzheimer's support group meets the fourth Monday of every month from 3:00pm to 4:00pm.
Thrive Blog
Read our blogs to learn about preventive care and ways you can take charge of your health and well-being.