Anesthesia billing
Need an estimate for anesthesia services?
In-network & out-of-network insurance
ANESTHESIA MEDICINE SERVICES OF FL anesthesiologists are not employees of the hospital. They are an independent group contracted by the hospital to provide physician services. Therefore, they complete their own billing to patients. Your insurance may not be in-network with this group.
For information regarding billing and insurance participation, contact your insurance company.
Tax ID: 92-2099035 / Group NPI 1346947496
Self-pay patients
All self-pay patients, excluding elective cosmetic procedures and facility-designated self-pay flat rate procedures, will receive a discount similar to managed care, referred to as an “uninsured discount.” For questions or to pay for estimated services, please call (886) 463-7203. Patients must pay for services two days prior to the scheduled procedure.
Questions? Please call (866) 463-7203. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm EST
If you're calling about your statement please contact (866) 606-2606.
What to expect before anesthesia
The day before surgery
The day before your surgery, a nurse may call you to obtain a medical history, confirm your arrival time and location and answer any questions. Read through the following for helpful pre-surgery tips:
- Eating, drinking, and smoking: Each surgical procedure may require different preparation. Please follow your physician's instructions about diet and preparation.
- Anesthesia: The attending anesthesiologist during surgery may call you the night before. This will allow you to ask questions about your care.
- Medications: If you usually take medications in the morning, ask your doctor if you should take them before surgery. If you are advised to do so, take them with as little water as possible.
The day of surgery
Please follow your doctor's instructions about when to arrive. If you are unsure when your doctor wants you to arrive, please call the hospital for clarification.
You should bring the following items:
- Insurance card
- Photo ID or driver's license
- A complete list of all medications you are currently taking
- Insulin, if you are diabetic