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The pediatric unit of Palms West Hospital got to witness the amazement moment of Angel ringing the bell to complete his pediatric chemotherapy.

June 29, 2020
Angel and his mom, Mariela

Oh how sweet the sound! Today we got to witness an amazing moment in our pediatric unit. Angel completed his last chemo treatment and got to ring the end of treatment bell. We couldn't stop smiling under our masks and a few of us shed tears of joy, for this young warrior. His mom, Mariela, had this to say:

"I would like to thank everyone. Dr. Singer, she's a great doctor and has a wonderful team. I am so happy God put her and everyone else in our lives to help us all the way! There are not enough words to explain all the wonderful things about everyone here! The nurses were great. They were the best and special in their own ways."

Mom also conveyed her gratitude and the support provided by The Kids Cancer Foundation, exclaiming that the KCF team made things easier, less stressful, and brought smiles to their faces — especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.


June 29, 2020
HCA Florida Palms West Hospital

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